eBook Galaxien/Gehp7.jpg (klein)





The eBook GALAXIES reveals to you a first insight into the goals, life and being of 5 galaxies in connection with the Source Intelligence. The eBook is an energetically sustainable project for all earthly star beings who want to open up to it and get to know the vastness of the cosmos, in its diversity of life.


The community of galaxies has asked me to record information about their galaxies as a human sphere in a new way of light and to represent these energies. It is with great pleasure that I pass on the interesting insights to you with this eBook.





Invitation of the Galaxies



The Community of the Galaxies:



“We introduce ourselves, our priorities, our service and what we contain in our substance as intercessors for galactic society. We wish to take away fears. Doubts, ignorance or distances transform into acceptance and into openness to express for life in other galaxies.


Our galaxies are about community, expansion and knowing how to move into new territory and face in loving acceptance what awaits you outside of the solar plexus and Earth.


We welcome the souls who are stepping up and dedicating themselves to the content of our messages. In union, it is our concern that Iris mediates our interests, makes us known, allows the substances of the galaxies to speak and transmits energies of knowledge.


We have representatives for each galaxy and we give these representatives permission and instructions to represent and present the galaxies on our behalf."




The representatives of the Galaxies:



"Dear Light and Star Beings of Planet Earth, we are pleased to be in contact with you. The time quality of opening for a higher grasping of life beyond your degrees of discretion has arrived with the flow of the Light Packages.


In our messages you will experience an energetic exchange with our way of life expressed through the energetic conditions in our galaxies.


We would like to invite you to take a first look at our galaxies and are very excited to connect with you through the light levels of the cosmos. Let's go."





Page Content



nicht zugeordnet/l10hp.gif (original) Foreword


nicht zugeordnet/l10hp.gif (original) Milky Way Galaxy                                                                            

   TEVAN AN GON, the administrator und guardian of the Milky Way Sequence


nicht zugeordnet/l10hp.gif (original) Andromeda Galaxy                                                                          

   PARAV***, the guardians of the Unity Communication Field


nicht zugeordnet/l10hp.gif (original) Intaura Galaxy                                                                                 

   LAVENA SAORA, the representative of light and the preservation of moments of the causal

   connection for being a creator in the singularity


nicht zugeordnet/l10hp.gif (original) Tala Galaxy                                                                                      

   ENAMBEHRA, the administrator of the writings of the divine on TALA


nicht zugeordnet/l10hp.gif (original) TRAVERA71 Galaxy                                                                                

   HIONIUM, the representative of the crystalline kingdoms of light in the Sacred Dimension of         



nicht zugeordnet/l10hp.gif (original) Glossary                                                                                                                                                                      


170A  eBook GALAXIES


An eBook in PDF format, 15 pages


Price:  14,- Euro



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